Forest NB’s Year in Review – 2024

Globally, the forest products industry is faced with a shifting landscape including corporate consolidations and emerging markets in bioenergy, mass timber, modular construction, and carbon capture. The Canadian forest sector continues to navigate a challenging environment marked by trade disputes, protectionist measures, inflationary pressures, and evolving international markets. In addition to economic pressures, wildfire challenges continued across the country, most notably in the western provinces and United States. The Jasper wildfire that forced the evacuation of 25,000 residents and decimated half of the popular resort town prompted significant debate and pressure for governments to adopt robust strategies for wildfire management.
Confronted with a changing economic landscape influenced by global trade tensions, protectionist measures, inflationary pressures, and political uncertainty in 2024, New Brunswick’s forest industry has nevertheless remained a cornerstone of our provincial economy. Employing up to 26,000 people in the province and generating $2.8 billion in annual exports, New Brunswick is the most forestry-centered province in Canada. Increased production costs throughout the value chain continue to impact profit margins and the anticipated higher trade tariffs later in the year added uncertainty. Additional pressures in workforce shortages and changing immigration programs have also presented challenges to the sector in the province.
We are seeing the unsettling results of increasing trade instability daily. As pressures on the sector continue to intensify, the sector’s adaptability and resilience have never been more crucial. Canada’s forestry sector is vital in the transition to a low-carbon economy, ensuring that forest resources are sustainably managed for both environmental health and long-term economic stability. New Brunswick’s forest sector can lead in this transition.
Despite challenging times, Forest NB continues to focus on advocacy and support for our members. Through concerted teamwork, Forest NB has continued to maximize value through improving efficiencies, strategic contracting, and collaboration with industry stakeholders across the sector. In 2024 we increased our funding access, shared our story with more people, reached more students, and advocated in more discussions on behalf of the New Brunswick forest sector year over year.
Staying true to our mission of being the voice of the forest sector in New Brunswick, Forest NB led several initiatives to support and enhance sector opportunities and foster sustainable communities. Key highlights from 2024 include:
- Lobbying and advocacy efforts with multiple levels of government and industry stakeholders on policy and regulatory issues including the Private Woodlot Sustainability Fund, royalties, forest sector digitalization strategy, the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), EUB and electricity prices, Canada’s definitions for forest degradation and primary forests, NB Climate Change Risk Assessment and Biodiversity Strategy, softwood lumber duties, Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) railways strike, FAO-FPAC-CFS collaboration on global forest sector employment, CCFM National Wildland Fire Strategy, and many more.
- Communication and outreach efforts continued to grow, with notable increases across all web platforms, particularly in video content. Public priorities were rebranded, and many resources were developed to grow public interest and provide access to pertinent information on forest management in the province.
- Successful development and launching of the Carbon Storage Ruler project, reaching thousands of students in grades 3-12 across New Brunswick to spark interest and start conversations about forest carbon through hands-on exploration. Funding was provided by the NB Environmental Trust Fund and was enhanced with educator resources from Project Learning Tree Canada.
- Continued support the Forestry 110 curriculum and curation of forestry field kits, class presentations and educator connections, and initial collaboration to explore a Forestry Centre of Excellence in education.
- Continued to cultivate national and international partnerships to support our organizational objectives including but not limited to the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), Alberta Forest Product Association (AFPA), Forest NS, Forestry Together,), Business Finland, Finnish Embassy in Ottawa, SFI/Project Learning Tree, Forests Canada, NS Forest Sector Council, Forestry for the Future, and many others.
- Administered the Mechanized Forest Equipment Operator program that continued to contribute to our workforce development goals, with 8 new operators currently working in the sector. Along with partners NBCC-Miramichi and Forest Liaison Inc. along with industry input continues to improve the delivery and value of MFEO training.
- Delivered other workforce initiatives including a pilot silviculture training initiative and a Labour Market Analysis study that is currently being finalized that will identify workforce and training gaps.
- Along with our member partner, A.L.P.A. Equipment Ltd. and Ponsee, we led an innovation tour to Finland. Attendees included industry leaders, educators, provincial and federal government representatives, and value chain businesses who engaged with Finnish policymakers, researchers, professionals, and stakeholders, fostering relationships that will continue to benefit the forest sectors in Atlantic Canada and Finland.
- Continued optimization of the association functions, including the implementation of revised By-Laws and an HR Policy Framework, as well as delivering services on budget, ending with a positive balance at year end.
In 2024, New Brunswick’s forest industry navigated complex challenges marked by trade uncertainties, inflationary pressures, and evolving global demand for forest products. While facing challenges, the sector’s resilience and strategic initiatives continued to provide a foundation for future growth and sustained economic contribution to the province. Our member’s unwavering commitment to sustainability, innovation, and community well-being continues to build resilient communities and a prosperous future New Brunswick.