Kathy Abusow, President and CEO of Sustainable Forestry Initiative, explains the difference between deforestation and responsible forestry

As President and CEO of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), Kathy Abusow understands the importance of responsible forest management and forestry practices. While she feels that forest conservation is necessary, she also explains how regulated harvesting and replanting are key components to healthy forests. “Working forests also provide quality jobs that can sustain rural communities.…

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Forest NB members heat thousands of New Brunswick homes with wood pellets

With the holidays just around the corner, many New Brunswickers are firing up woodstoves to keep their homes warm for the season’s festivities. While some are turning up their thermostats, others are filling their stoves with wood pellets. Three Forest NB members, H.J. Crabbe & Sons Ltd. in Florenceville-Bristol, Marwood Limited in Traceyville and Groupe…

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Forest products industry conversion tables

  Below are conversion tables used for measurements within the forest products industry: Metric system Factor of conversion(multiply by) Imperial system cubic meters 0.415 cord cubic meters 0.424 MBF (Thousand Board Feet) cubic meters 35.318 cubic feet hectares 2.471 acres centimeters 0.394 inches meters 39.37 inches meters 3.281 feet meters 1.0936 yards meters 0.0497 chains…

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Attendance doubles at 2016 Forest NB semi-annual meeting and field tour

Nearly 80 forest industry professionals and stakeholders dawned their hard hats and took to the woods as part of Forest NB’s Semi-Annual Meeting and Field Tour from September eighth to ninth in Campbellton. The event provides an opportunity for members of the association to discuss the current state of affairs in the industry and issues…

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Valerie Pitre awarded Ernie Strickland Scholarship 2016-2017

Congratulations to Valerie Pitre from Atholville for earning the $1000 Forest NB Ernie Strickland Scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year! Valerie is a first year student at the Université de Moncton studying Criminology and Psychology with goal of becoming an RCMP officer. “I am very surprised and thankful for earning this scholarship as I did…

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