Growing a future for our communities

New Brunswick's forestry industry is leading the way for a renewable future.

Certified Sustainable

Third-party forest management certification complements our comprehensive and rigorous forest management laws and regulations. It provides assurance that a forest company is operating legally, sustainably and in compliance with world-recognized standards.

We regrow eveything we use

Forest companies operating in New Brunswick are required to harvest at sustainable rates, and are responsible for the management of the regrowth or replanting of all harvested areas. More than 800 million trees have been planted in NB since 1987.

On the Path to Net-Zero

From pulp mills using "wood waste" as a biofuel to power their operations, to wood fibre being used as a sustainable manufacturing alternative for everyday essential products, our sector is leading the way in building a more sustainable future for Canadians.


of NB's forests are 3rd party certified for sustainability

Canada wide, 45% of forests are 3rd party certified.


NB harvests aproximately 1.4% of our managed forests, and 100% is replanted or regrown.


Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions since 1990

Forest management for our future

New Brunswick's forest sector contributes to and facilitates significant economic activity and employment opportunities in every region of the province.


More than 10,000 New Brunswick residents are directly employed in the forestry sector, with an additional 16,000 people employed indirectly. New Brunswick exports around $2.8 Billion of forest products annually, the second largest industrial export next to oil and gas.


Learn more about how our forests represent an economic future for New Brunswick communities.

Drone photo in winter of forestry complex in Fredericton

Forest NB - helping to grow a future for our communities.

About Forest NB

Forest NB is a non-profit industry association representing the forest products sector in dealings with government and the public. Our members manufacture diverse products from renewable forest resources including pulp, paper, solid wood, pellets, composite panels, specialty products, and much more.

Our Goal

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about Forest NB, we'd be happy to hear from you.

1350 Regent st, Suite 210

Fredericton, NB, E3C 2G6

(506) 452-6930

Recent Forest NB News

A short look at a long year in Forestry

January 3, 2020

As is the custom at this time of year we pause and reflect on the happenings that have transpired over the past twelve months. For me the most transformative trend of the year has been the encouraging acceptance of forestry and forest management as a tool to stave off the dire consequences of climate change.…

25 years After the Big South “Christmas Mountains” Blowdown Event

November 27, 2019

Difficult to believe, but this Thursday (Nov.7) will mark the 25th anniversary of the Big South “Christmas Mountains” blowdown event. Similar to that historic day, we are expecting some snow this Thursday. The attached photos tell some of the story. Following the blowdown, there was significant planning undertaken by Repap (the Licensee at the time)…

Forest NB Comments on Worksafe NB Release of 2019 Premiums

November 20, 2019

9 November 2019 FREDERICTON, N.B. – Forest NB and its member facilities, that represent the majority of the forest product manufacturers in the province, are gravely concerned for the sector’s competitiveness given the dramatic and unprecedented increase in workplace compensation rates being imposed in the coming year. “An increase was expected but we were not…

Government Appoints Cabinet

November 9, 2019

9 November 2019 FREDERICTON, N.B. – Forest NB congratulates the recently appointed ministers and looks forward to working with the cabinet as it moves to deliver on its mandate of returning fiscal balance to New Brunswick. The appointment of Mike Holland to the energy and resource development portfolio is viewed as a positive step in…

NB Government Investment in Conservation

November 1, 2019

30 October 2019 FREDERICTON, N.B– Forest NB, in responding to the recent announcement by Natural Resources and Energy Development minister, Mike Holland, believes that the proposed doubling of protected and conserved land and water resources has the potential to have positive benefits for New Brunswick and the forest sector but with some reservations. “We are…

Silent Partner in Conservation Announcement

November 1, 2019

Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland’s recent announcement of a doubling of public land dedicated for protection is being celebrated by the province’s conservation community.  This is a significant accomplishment and for the most part the forest industry views this as a positive step towards making our natural landscape more sustainable. The forest industry has long…

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