Certified Sustainable
Third-party forest management certification complements our comprehensive and rigorous forest management laws and regulations. It provides assurance that a forest company is operating legally, sustainably and in compliance with world-recognized standards.
We regrow eveything we use
Forest companies operating in New Brunswick are required to harvest at sustainable rates, and are responsible for the management of the regrowth or replanting of all harvested areas. More than 800 million trees have been planted in NB since 1987.
On the Path to Net-Zero
From pulp mills using "wood waste" as a biofuel to power their operations, to wood fibre being used as a sustainable manufacturing alternative for everyday essential products, our sector is leading the way in building a more sustainable future for Canadians.
of NB's forests are 3rd party certified for sustainability
Canada wide, 45% of forests are 3rd party certified.
NB harvests aproximately 1.4% of our managed forests, and 100% is replanted or regrown.
Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions since 1990

Forest NB - helping to grow a future for our communities.
Forest NB is a non-profit industry association representing the forest products sector in dealings with government and the public. Our members manufacture diverse products from renewable forest resources including pulp, paper, solid wood, pellets, composite panels, specialty products, and much more.
Contact us
If you have any questions or comments about Forest NB, we'd be happy to hear from you.
1350 Regent st, Suite 210
Fredericton, NB, E3C 2G6
(506) 452-6930
Recent Forest NB News
Efficiency NB
(Fredericton, NB) Efficiency NB is holding energy efficiency workshops for the New Brunswick forestry sector this week on June 9 and 10. Thirty five individuals representing at least 16 different sawmills in the province will take part in an English workshop in Fredericton and a French workshop in Grand Falls. The workshops are being delivered…
NB Agrees to Voluntary Moratorium on Spruce Log Imports from NS’s BSLB Containment Area
In response to a decision taken at a special meeting of the Board of Directors held on April 13, 2010, the New Brunswick Forest Products Association unanimously supports a voluntary moratorium that provides for the prohibition and/or restriction of movement of the BSLB and associated host spruce materials including: trees, logs, wood with bark attached,…
The NBFPA is calling for an immediate freeze to rising power rates
Mark Arsenault, President and C.E.O. of the New Brunswick Forest Products Association is calling on the Government of New Brunswick to intervene and impose an immediate energy rate freeze on NB Power. “There is no long term, or even a short term, plan to control run-away energy rates. The government needs to take control and…
We need to find an immediate solution to rising power rates in New Brunswick
The New Brunswick Forest Products Association is appealing to all parties to find an immediate solution to rising power rates in New Brunswick. For many years, we have advocated for more competitive power rates, reliable and clean energy. Our members have and continue to invest in energy efficiency. The fact remains that there is no…
New Brunswick Forest Products Association Supports NB Power Agreement
Fredericton, NB – The New Brunswick Forest Products Association announced today their support for the revised purchase agreement between NB Power and Hydro-Québec. This new agreement, which will see a rate reduction among large industrial users as well as a rate freeze for light industrial users, is anticipated to inject stability into New Brunswick’s forest…
New Brunswick’s forest products industry looks to the future – Forestry Summit 2010
Forestry leaders will meet this Friday in Fredericton at a summit called by Premier David Alward. It’s the ideal time to take a look back on our rich history in forestry with a view to recognize our past successes, address our current challenges and, more importantly, chart our course for the future. Forestry touches all…