Opinion: Collaboration for the Future of our Forests

We can all agree on the important role forestry plays in the economy of New Brunswick by providing jobs and income for thousands of people across the province and supporting dozens of communities around the province. The sector in New Brunswick is older than anywhere else in Canada and continues to thrive thanks to a…

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2022 Year in Review: Growing Opportunities in New Brunswick Forests

A key indicator of strength in the forest sector, much like the forests themselves, is resilience and adaptability in the face of challenge. On the heels of a global pandemic and rapidly changing global markets, the forest industry continues to translate challenges into opportunities. As climate change accelerates, we must acknowledge the important role our…

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Forest Sector Solutions: Balance & Innovation for the Future

If the last two years have shown us anything it’s that change is certain. The pandemic has certainly highlighted the challenges with our healthcare and education systems, and we are keenly aware of the need to build better services in the province. The rapidly rising cost of goods and services underscores how markets and supply…

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Growing A Future For Our Communities

The vision for Forest NB – and all of our member companies – is to grow a future for our communities through renewable forests. But what does that really mean and what does it look like in action? In the coming months we’ll be sharing highlights for some of the things our members are doing…

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