Silent Partner in Conservation Announcement

Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland’s recent announcement of a doubling of public land dedicated for protection is being celebrated by the province’s conservation community.  This is a significant accomplishment and for the most part the forest industry views this as a positive step towards making our natural landscape more sustainable. The forest industry has long…

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Chloe Savoie

Congratulations to Chloe Savoie of Belledune for earning the 1000$ Forest NB Ernie Strickland scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year. Chloe is enrolled full time at CCNB in Moncton, studying financial planning. Good luck Chloe in your professional career. Forest NB has awarded the Ernie Strickland Memorial Scholarship annually since 1998. Ernie Strickland, who passed…

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Private wood supply 101- Fairness explained

One of the issues garnering interest heading into the fall sitting of the legislature is the repeated call to modernize the crown land and forests act (CLFA). Especially vocal in this call is the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owner’s (NBFWO) President, Rick Doucet. In a recent NBFWO blog authored by Mr. Doucet there is…

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On Vaccinations and Forestry

On Vaccinations and Forestry What possible connection could there be between forest management, in particular the use of herbicide in vegetation control, and the current debate raging on mandatory vaccinations in New Brunswick? These two matters seem so far removed from one another but the recent legislative committee hearing on mandatory vaccinations for school aged…

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Running Out of Emergency Room

Running Out of Emergency Room In advocacy work there is no better strategy than to look for trends that capture the public’s imagination. Afterall why re-invent the wheel; when something works copy the model and forge ahead. The recent trend seems to be the declaration of emergencies. First it was a Climate Emergency declared by…

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